Integration Tests#

This section contains information about integration tests for the VPP agent.

The integration tests are written using Go and test mainly the vppcalls layer that provides VPP-version agnostic API interface. The integration test suite can be executed for any of the VPP versions defined in vpp.env.


Running the tests on a mac using the make command could result in errors such as missing syscalls.

Run Integration Test Suite#

The easiest way to run the entire integration test suite is to use make target integration-tests.

Run tests using the default VPP version defined by VPP_DEFAULT:

# run tests with default VPP version 
make integration-tests

Run tests for a specific VPP_VERSION:

# run tests with VPP 20.05
make integration-tests VPP_VERSION=2005

# run tests with VPP 20.01
make integration-tests VPP_VERSION=2001

# run tests with VPP 19.08
make integration-tests VPP_VERSION=1908

Customize Integration Test Run#

The integration test suite can be executed manually by running the following script:


This script supports the addition of extra arguments for the test run.

Before running the tests, you must set the VPP_IMG variable to the desired image.

The simplest way to set the VPP_IMG variable uses the export command:

export VPP_IMG=ligato/vpp-base:20.01

Then you can execute the script like so:

bash ./tests/integration/

Run tests in verbose mode:

bash ./tests/integration/ -test.v 

Run tests cases for specific functionality:

# test cases for ACLs
bash ./tests/integration/

# test cases for L3 routes
bash ./tests/integration/

Run tests with any additional flags supported by the go test tool:

# run with coverage report
bash ./tests/integration/ -test.cover

# run with CPU profiling
bash ./tests/integration/ -test.cpuprofile cpu.out

Reference: VPP Agent tests repo folder