Model Registration


Every top-level message from northbound proto-definition is expected to have its own key which identifies a proto message data. The key can be composite (most often the case), containing some unique parameter (e.g. an interface name or a SPD index), or it can be global, allowing only one message of the given type to be stored under a global key.

The vpp-agent defines model specification - a set of data related to the given model, like proto name, key prefix, or model path. Very important is the model specification (or Spec), which defines a module, version, and type of the proto model.

Module groups models belonging for the same configuration entity. For example models for VPP configuration have vpp module, models for Linux configuration have linux module, etc.

Version is the current version of the vpp-agent API. The version changes only between major vpp-agent versions, not after every API update.

Type is a keyword describing the given model (like interfaces, bridge-domains, etc.).

The constructed key has the following format:



Model is registered to the vpp-agent spec.go, where the key, paths, and names are generated and stored to the registration map. The example registration is done via the models package:

models.Register(&ProtoMessage{}, models.Spec{
    Module:  "mp",
    Type:    "protomessage",
    Version: "v2",

The example above registers the ProtoMessage type with the given Spec. The first parameter is expected to be of the proto.Message interface type, the second parameter defines the specification itself. The method Register also returns a registration object (which is stored to the registration map in the background) which can be used for easy access to various parts of the model key definition. For example KeyPrefix() returns key prefix, IsKeyValid(<key>) validates provided key for the given model, etc.

Custom Templates

Registration method has a third optional parameter, which allows passing options for given registration of type ModelOption. There is currently only one option available - models.WithNameTemplate(<template>)). It allows generating the key with custom identifiers.

Example 1: A proto model defines a field named Index which should be a part of the key as an identifier. We define a custom template to let model registration know that the field should be used:

models.Register(&ProtoMessage{}, models.Spec{
    Module:  "mp",
    Type:    "protomessage",
    Version: "v2",
}, models.WithNameTemplate("{{.Index}}"))

The result:



The module path dots are transformed to slashes (vpp.interfaces will be shown as vpp/interfaces in the key)

Example 2: Another model cannot be defined with a single unique field, but required a combination of them. Let’s assume a proto model with fields Index and Tag which both need to be used in the key. Define the template as follows:

models.Register(&ProtoMessage{}, models.Spec{
    Module:  "mp",
    Type:    "protomessage",
    Version: "v2",
}, models.WithNameTemplate("{{.Index}}/tag/{{.Tag}}"))

The result:
