Integration Tests

This page contains information about integration tests for the vpp-agent. The following text describes how to run robot test suites (locally or in any other environment).

VM(s) -ubuntu:

  • required: python, robotframework, docker

  • install Docker CE:

  • install other:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install python
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo apt-get install python-paramiko
sudo pip install requests
sudo pip install robotframework
sudo pip install robotframework-sshlibrary
sudo pip install -U robotframework-requests
sudo pip install --upgrade robotframework-httplibrary
  • SSH connection between VMs:
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
ssh xxx@192.168.100.XX

Clone git vpp-agent:

git clone

Download docker images:

docker pull ligato/dev-cn-infra:latest             
docker pull ligato/prod_sfc_controller:latest          
docker pull             
docker pull ligato/dev_sfc_controller:latest 
docker pull ligato/vpp-agent:dev 
docker pull ligato/dev-vpp-agent:dev

Setup local variables:

  - .../vpp-agent/tests/robot/variables/jozo_local_variables.robot

    - IP- VM where you will run tests
    - USER/PASS on this VM
    - Image witch you will use

  - .../vpp-agent/tests/robot/variables/common_variables.robot
    -  If you have docker without sudo, then you need change "sudo docker" on line 7, to "docker"

Make directory on VM:

sudo mkdir /run/vpp

Run test:

  • Change directory to folder with tests:
cd .../vpp-agent/tests/robot/suites/crud/
  • Run test pybot --loglevel TRACE -v VARIABLES:jozo_local loopback_crud.robot

Test results:

  - robot log file, ...:
    - .../vpp-agent/tests/robot/suites/crud/
  - logs: vpp-agent, etcd, ...:
    - .../vpp-agent/tests/robot/suites/crud/results