KV Scheduler

Link to code: Using the KV Scheduler in your plugin

This tutorial shows how to use the ‘KV Scheduler’ in our hello world plugin that was created in the previous tutorials. You will learn how to prepare a descriptor, generate the adapter and “wire” the plugin with the KV Scheduler.


For simplicity sake, this tutorial does not use etcd or any other northbound (NB) KV data store. Instead, NB events are created programmatically using the KV Scheduler API.

The vpp-agent is the control plane component employed to add and/or modify one or more configuration items in the VPP dataplane. In practice, these actions can be dependent on each other. For example, an IP address can be assigned to an interface only if the interface is already present in the VPP.

Another example is an L2 FIB entry, which can be added only if the required interface and a bridge domain exist and the interface is also assigned to the bridge domain. This can result in the creation of a fairly complex dependency tree.

Additional items to consider:

  • Typically, more than one binary API call is required to configure a proto-modelled data item coming from the northbound
  • To configure a configuration parameter, its parent must exist
  • Some configuration items are dependent on other configuration items, and they cannot be configured before their dependencies are met

This means that VPP binary API calls must be called in a certain order. The vpp-agent uses the KV Scheduler to ensure this order as well as managing configuration dependencies and caching configuration items until their dependencies are met. Any plugin that configures something that is dependent on some other plugin’s configuration item(s) can be registered with the KV scheduler and profit from this functionality.

First, we define a simple northbound proto model that we will use in our example plugin. The model defines two simple messages:

  • Interface
  • Route that depends on some interface. The model demonstrates a simple dependency between configuration items in we need an interface to configure a route.


The vpp-agent uses the Orchestrator component, which is responsible for collecting northbound data from multiple sources (mainly a KV data store and GRPC clients). To marshall/unmarshall proto messages defined in northbound proto models, the Orchestrator requires message names to be present in the messages.

To generate code where message names are present in proto messages, we must use the following special protobuf option (together with its import):

import "github.com/gogo/protobuf/gogoproto/gogo.proto";
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;

In order to register our Hello World plugin with the scheduler and to work with our new model, we need two new components - a descriptor and an adapter for every proto-defined type (proto message).

1. Adapters

Let’s start with adapters. The purpose of an adapter is to define conversion methods between our proto-defined type and a bare proto.Message that the KV Scheduler works with. Since this is a boilerplate code, there is a tooling to auto-generate it. The code generator is called descriptor-adapter and it can be found inside the KVScheduler plugin. You can install it manually as follows:

go install github.com/ligato/vpp-agent/plugins/kvscheduler/descriptor-adapter

Alternatively, you can put the following target into your project Makefile (assuming you have dependency on the vpp-agent in your vendor directory):

    @go install ./vendor/github.com/ligato/vpp-agent/plugins/kvscheduler/descriptor-adapter

Build the binary file from the go files inside, and use it to generate the adapters for the Interface and Route proto messages:

descriptor-adapter --descriptor-name Interface --value-type *model.Interface --import "github.com/ligato/vpp-agent/examples/tutorials/05_kv-scheduler/model" --output-dir "descriptor"
descriptor-adapter --descriptor-name Route --value-type *model.Route --import "github.com/ligato/vpp-agent/examples/tutorials/05_kv-scheduler/model" --output-dir "descriptor"

It is good practice to add the above commands to the plugin’s main .go file with the //go:generate directives. The descriptor-adapter generator will put the generated adapters into the descriptor/adapter directory within the plugin folder.

2. Descriptor without dependency

The next step is to define descriptors. We start with the interface descriptor, which has no dependencies.

A descriptor can be implemented in one of two ways:

  • Define the descriptor constructor which implements all required methods directly. This works well when descriptor methods are few and short in the implementation.
  • Define a descriptor object which implements all required methods on this object. Then it places method references in the descriptor constructor. This is the preferred technique.

In the interface descriptor, we use the first approach. Let’s create a new file - descriptors.go - so that the descriptor code is outside of main.go.

Next, add the following code:

func NewIfDescriptor(logger logging.PluginLogger) *api.KVDescriptor {
    typedDescriptor := &adapter.InterfaceDescriptor{
        // descriptor implementation
    return adapter.NewInterfaceDescriptor(typedDescriptor)


Descriptors in this example are all in a single file since they are short. The preferred way is to put each descriptor in its own .go file.

NewIfDescriptor is a constructor function that returns a type-safe descriptor object. All potential descriptor dependencies (logger, various mappings, etc.) are provided via constructor parameters.

If you have a look at adapter.InterfaceDescriptor, you will see that it defines several fields. The most important fields are function-types with CRUD definitions and fields resolving dependencies. The full API list is documented in the KvDescriptor structure.

Here, we implement the the APIs that we need for our simple example:

  • Name of the descriptor, must be unique for all descriptors.
    Name: "if-descriptor",
  • Northbound key prefix for configuration type handled by the descriptor.
NBKeyPrefix: "/interface/",
  • String representation of the type.
ValueTypeName: proto.MessageName(&model.Interface{}),
  • Configuration item identifier (label, name, index) is returned by this method.
KeyLabel: func(key string) string {
    return strings.TrimPrefix(key, "/interface/")
  • Key selector returns true if the provided key is described by the given descriptor. A descriptor can support a subset of keys, but it can only process one value type.
KeySelector: func(key string) bool {
    if strings.HasPrefix(key, ifPrefix) {
        return true
    return false
  • This flag enables metadata for the given type.
WithMetadata: true,
  • Create method configures a new configuration item (interface).
Create: func(key string, value *model.Interface) (metadata interface{}, err error) {
    d.log.Infof("Interface %s created", value.Name)
    return value.Name, nil

This is how the completed interface descriptor will look:

func NewIfDescriptor(logger logging.PluginLogger) *api.KVDescriptor {
    typedDescriptor := &adapter.InterfaceDescriptor{
        Name: ifDescriptorName,
        NBKeyPrefix: ifPrefix,
        ValueTypeName: proto.MessageName(&model.Interface{}),
        KeyLabel: func(key string) string {
            return strings.TrimPrefix(key, ifPrefix)
        KeySelector: func(key string) bool {
            if strings.HasPrefix(key, ifPrefix) {
                return true
            return false
        WithMetadata: true,
        Create: func(key string, value *model.Interface) (metadata interface{}, err error) {
            logger.Infof("Interface %s created", value.Name)
            return value.Name, nil
    return adapter.NewInterfaceDescriptor(typedDescriptor)

3. Descriptor with dependency

Next, we continue with the route descriptor, which has a dependency on an interface. This descriptor defines additional fields, since we will need to define the dependency on the interface configuration item. Here we will also specify the descriptor struct and implement methods outside of the descriptor constructor.

Define the struct and constructor first:

type RouteDescriptor struct {
    // dependencies
    log logging.PluginLogger

func NewRouteDescriptor(logger logging.PluginLogger) *api.KVDescriptor {
    typedDescriptor := &adapter.RouteDescriptor{
        // descriptor implementation
    return adapter.NewRouteDescriptor(typedDescriptor)

The route descriptor fields, NBKeyPrefix, KeyLabeland KeySelector are implemented in the same manner as for the interface type, but outside of the constructor as methods with RouteDescriptor as a pointer receiver since they are of the func type:

func (d *RouteDescriptor) KeyLabel(key string) string {
    return strings.TrimPrefix(key, routePrefix)

func (d *RouteDescriptor) KeySelector(key string) bool {
    if strings.HasPrefix(key, routePrefix) {
        return true
    return false

func (d *RouteDescriptor) Dependencies(key string, value *model.Route) []api.Dependency {
    return []api.Dependency{
            Label: routeInterfaceDepLabel,
            Key:   ifPrefix + value.InterfaceName,

The field WithMetadata is not needed here, so the Create method does not return any metadata value:

func (d *RouteDescriptor) Create(key string, value *model.Route) (metadata interface{}, err error) {
    d.log.Infof("Created route %s dependent on interface %s", value.Name, value.InterfaceName)
    return nil, nil

In addition, there are two new fields:

  • Dependencies list - a key prefix and a unique label value are required for any given given configuration item. The item will not be created while the dependent key does not exist. The label is informative and should be unique.
func (d *RouteDescriptor) Dependencies(key string, value *model.Route) []api.Dependency {
    return []api.Dependency{
            Label: routeInterfaceDepLabel,
            Key:   ifPrefix + value.InterfaceName,
  • Descriptors list where the dependent values are processed.

In the example, we return the interface descriptor since that is the one handling interfaces.

RetrieveDependencies: []string{ifDescriptorName},

Now define descriptor context of type RouteDescriptor within NewRouteDescriptor:

func NewRouteDescriptor(logger logging.PluginLogger) *api.KVDescriptor {
    descriptorCtx := &RouteDescriptor{
        log: logger,
    typedDescriptor := &adapter.RouteDescriptor{
        // descriptor implementation
    return adapter.NewRouteDescriptor(typedDescriptor)

Set non-function fields:

func NewRouteDescriptor(logger logging.PluginLogger) *api.KVDescriptor {
    descriptorCtx := &RouteDescriptor{
        log: logger,
    typedDescriptor := &adapter.RouteDescriptor{
        Name: routeDescriptorName,
        NBKeyPrefix: routePrefix,
        ValueTypeName: proto.MessageName(&model.Route{}),      
        RetrieveDependencies: []string{ifDescriptorName},
    return adapter.NewRouteDescriptor(typedDescriptor)

Set function fields as references to the RouteDescriptor methods. Here is the complete descriptor:

func NewRouteDescriptor(logger logging.PluginLogger) *api.KVDescriptor {
    descriptorCtx := &RouteDescriptor{
        log: logger,
    typedDescriptor := &adapter.RouteDescriptor{
        Name: routeDescriptorName,
        NBKeyPrefix: routePrefix,
        ValueTypeName: proto.MessageName(&model.Route{}),
        KeyLabel: descriptorCtx.KeyLabel,
        KeySelector: descriptorCtx.KeySelector,
        Dependencies: descriptorCtx.Dependencies,
        Create: descriptorCtx.Create,
    return adapter.NewRouteDescriptor(typedDescriptor)

The descriptor API provides additional methods not used in the example in order to keep it simple. Examples are Update(), Delete(), Retrieve(), Validate(), and so on.

The full list can be found in the descriptor API documentation

Wire our plugin with the KV scheduler

Now with descriptors completed, we can register them in main.go. The Ffirst step is to add the KVScheduler to the HelloWorld plugin as a plugin dependency:

type HelloWorld struct {
    KVScheduler api.KVScheduler

Next register the descriptors to the KVScheduler in the hello world plugin Init():

func (p *HelloWorld) Init() error {
    p.Log.Println("Hello World!")

    err := p.KVScheduler.RegisterKVDescriptor(adapter.NewInterfaceDescriptor(NewIfDescriptor(p.Log).GetDescriptor()))
    if err != nil {
        // handle error

    err = p.KVScheduler.RegisterKVDescriptor(adapter.NewRouteDescriptor(NewRouteDescriptor(p.Log).GetDescriptor()))
    if err != nil {
        // handle error

    return nil

The last step is to replace the plugin initialization method with AllPlugins() in the main() to ensure that the KV Scheduler is loaded and initialized from the hello world plugin.

a := agent.NewAgent(agent.AllPlugins(p))

Starting the agent now will load the KV Scheduler plugin together with the hello world plugin. The KV Scheduler will receive all northbound data and pass it to the hello world descriptor in correct order. If dependencies for a configuration item are not met (i.e. if a route is programmed before its interface dependency is met), the item will be cached.

Example and testing

The example code from this tutorial can be found here. It contains main.go, descriptors.go and two folders with model and generated adapters. The tutorial example is extended for the AfterInit() method which starts a new go routine with a testing procedure.

The example below performs three test cases and can be built and started without any config files. Northbound transactions are simulated with KV Scheduler method StartNBTransaction().

  • 1. Configure the interface and the route in a single transaction

This is the part of the output labelled as planned operations:

  - key: /interface/if1
  - value: { name:"if1"  } 
  - key: /route/route1
  - value: { name:"route1" interface_name:"if1"  } 

As expected, the interface is created first and the route second, following the order values were set to the transaction.

  • 2. Configure the route and the interface in a single transaction. This order is reversed from the test case above.


  - key: /interface/if2
  - value: { name:"if2"  } 
  - key: /route/route2
  - value: { name:"route2" interface_name:"if2"  } 

The order is exactly the same despite the fact values were added to transaction in the reverse order. As shown, the scheduler ordered configuration items in the correct sequence before creating the transaction.

  • 3. Configure the route and the interface in separated transactions

In this case, we have two outputs since there are two transactions:

  - key: /route/route3
  - value: { name:"route3" interface_name:"if3"  } 

The route comes first, but it is postponed (cached) since the dependent interface does not exist and the scheduler does not know when it will appear. The route is marked as [NOOP IS-PENDING].

  - key: /interface/if3
  - value: { name:"if3"  } 
  - key: /route/route3
  - value: { name:"route3" interface_name:"if3"  } 

The second transaction introduces the expected interface. The scheduler:

  • recognized this as a dependency for the cached route
  • sorted items into the correct order
  • called the appropriate configuration method.

The previously cached route is marked as [WAS-PENDING], highlighting that this item was postponed.

*[FIB]: Forwarding Information Base