
This section outlines the procedures for installing an ARM64-compatible version of the VPP agent. The same procedures described in the the Quickstart and VPP Agent Setup sections of the User Guide apply here, except ARM64 images are used.

ARM64 Docker Image Pull#

Pre-built production and development images supporting ARM64 are available from Dockerhub.

Production Image#

Included in the pre-built ARM64 production image:

  • Binaries for the VPP agent with default config files
  • Installation of the compatible VPP

Pull the pre-built ARM64 production image:

docker pull ligato/vpp-agent-arm64
Development Image#

Included in the pre-built ARM64 development image:

  • VPP agent with default config files including source code
  • Compatible VPP installation including source code and build artifacts
  • Development environment with all requirements to build the VPP agent and the VPP
  • Tools to generate code (proto models, binary APIs)

Pull the pre-built ARM64 development image:

docker pull ligato/dev-vpp-agent-arm64

Start VPP Agent#

Start Production Image

docker run -it --rm --name vpp-agent -p 5002:5002 -p 9191:9191 --privileged ligato/vpp-agent-arm64

Start Development Image

docker run -it --rm --name vpp-agent -p 5002:5002 -p 9191:9191 --privileged ligato/dev-vpp-agent-arm64

Check that the vpp-agent is running using Agentctl

Agentctl help:

docker exec -it vpp-agent agentctl --help

Agentctl Status:

docker exec -it vpp-agent agentctl status

Start etcd#


Check for the proper etcd ARM64 docker image in the official repository. Currently, you must use the parameter -e ETCD_UNSUPPORTED_ARCH=arm64.

The following command starts etcd for ARM64 in a docker container. If the image is not present on your local machine, docker will download it first.

sudo docker run -p 2379:2379 --name etcd -e ETCDCTL_API=3 -e ETCD_UNSUPPORTED_ARCH=arm64 \ /usr/local/bin/etcd \
    -advertise-client-urls \

Use etcdctl to verify the etcd server is running:

docker exec -it etcd etcdctl endpoint health


Agentctl uses as the default address of the etcd server. If the etcd server is running in a separate container, then its configured address must be passed to agentctl as an argument. This is accomplished using the -e or --etcd-endpoints flags.

Use the agentctl kvdb list command to show the contents of the etcd data store:

docker exec -it vpp-agent agentctl -e akvdb list

Alternatively, you can use etcdctl to interact with the etcd data store.

Kafka and ARM64#

There is no official spotify/kafka image for the ARM64 platform. You can build an image following the steps contained in the repository.

However, you will need to modify the Kafka/Dockerfile before building the image like so:

//FROM java:openjdk-8-jre
FROM openjdk:8-jre

For preparing the kafka-arm64 image, use:

git clone
cd docker-kafka
sed -i -e "s/FROM java:openjdk-8-jre/FROM openjdk:8-jre/g" kafka/Dockerfile
sed -i -e "s/ENV KAFKA_VERSION KAFKA_VERSION" kafka/Dockerfile
docker build -t kafka-arm64 kafka/

Then you can start Kafka in a separate container:

sudo docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --name kafka --rm \
 --env ADVERTISED_HOST= --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 kafka-arm64