KV Data Store#
Tutorial code: KV Data Store
In this tutorial, you will learn how use an external key-value (KV) data store. Before running through this tutorial, you should complete the Hello World tutorial and the Plugin Dependencies tutorial. In addition, you should be familiar with etcd. To learn about etcd, a good place to start is this etcd overview.
You will also need to install the gogo protobuf generator on your local machine.
etcd is used as the KV data store in this tutorial. Note that Ligato supports other KV data stores.
MyPlugin is the name of the plugin used in this tutorial. Note that any concepts, explanations, tasks and code block contents used in this tutorial can be applied to the HelloWorld plugin used in the previous tutorials.
The common interface for all KV data store implementations is KvProtoPlugin
type KvProtoPlugin interface {
NewBroker(keyPrefix string) ProtoBroker
NewWatcher(keyPrefix string) ProtoWatcher
Disabled() bool
OnConnect(func() error)
String() string
To use etcd as your KV data store plugin, define a field for the
interface in your plugin. Then initialize the interface with an etcd plugin instance in your plugin’s constructor.
This creates a dependency on the KV data store in your plugin. You have satisfied this dependency by using the default etcd plugin of etcd.DefaultPlugin
type MyPlugin struct {
KVStore keyval.KvProtoPlugin
func NewMyPlugin() *MyPlugin {
// ...
p.KVStore = &etcd.DefaultPlugin
return p
Next, create a broker. The broker is a facade for plugins or components that communicate with the data store. The broker conceals the complexity of interacting with the different data stores and provides a simple read/write API.
Initialize the broker with a key prefix. The key prefix serves as the root of the KV tree that the broker will operate on. The broker uses the key prefix for all of its get, list, put and delete operations.
The key prefix of /myplugin/
is used in this code block:
broker := p.KVStore.NewBroker("/myplugin/")
For more information about key prefixes, see the key prefix section of the User Guide.
The broker accepts proto.Message
parameters in its methods. You will need to define a protobuf model for data that you wish to communicate to and from the data store.
Use the simple .proto model called Greetings
message Greetings {
string greeting = 1;
Next, generate Go code based on your model using the –gogo protobuf generator. You have a single model.proto
file stored in the model folder. It is good practice for you to place the generated Go code in the same folder.
To store the proto model and Go code in the same model folder, assign the model
directory to the go:generate
directive’s --proto_path
and --gogo_out
//go:generate protoc --proto_path=model --gogo_out=model ./model/model.proto
To generate Go files using the Go compiler, use this command:
go generate
Go generate
must be run explicitly. It scans Go files in the current path for
the generate
directives and then invokes the protobuf compiler.
Next, employ the generated Go structures to interact with the KV data store through the broker.
Use the broker’s Put
method to update the value with a key of /myplugin/greetings/hello
value := &model.Greetings{
Greeting: "Hello",
err := broker.Put("greetings/hello", value)
if err != nil {
// handle error
Use the broker’s GetValue
method to retrieve a value from the KV data store:
value := new(model.Greetings)
found, rev, err := broker.GetValue("greetings/hello", value)
if err != nil {
// handle error
}else if !found {
// handle not found
To watch for changes in the KV data store, initialize a watcher:
watcher := p.KVStore.NewWatcher("/myplugin/")
Then define your callback function that will process the changes:
onChange := func(resp keyval.ProtoWatchResp) {
key := resp.GetKey()
value := new(model.Greetings)
if err := resp.GetValue(value); err != nil {
// handle error
// process change
Start watching key prefixes:
cancelWatch := make(chan string)
err := watcher.Watch(onChange, cancelWatch, "greetings/")
if err != nil {
// handle error
Use the cancelWatch
channel to cancel watching.
Run the KV Data Store tutorial code
- Open a terminal session
- Change to the 04_kv-store folder:
cn-infra git:(master) cd examples/tutorials/04_kv-store
- Start etcd
Make sure that the etcd.conf file contained in the 04_kv-store folder uses an endpoint of
. If not, you will receive an error when attempting to run the tutorial code.
The etcd.conf
file should look like this:
insecure-transport: true
dial-timeout: 1000000000
- ""
For additional etcd troubleshooting tips, see the Tutorial etcd troubleshooting section below.
To start etcd, use this command:
- Open another terminal session.
- Change to the 04_kv-store folder
cn-infra git:(master) cd examples/tutorials/04_kv-store
- Run code:
go run main.go
INFO[0000] Starting agent version: v0.0.0-dev CommitHash= BuildDate= logger=agent
INFO[0000] Connected to Etcd (took 1.423873ms) endpoints="[]" logger=etcd
INFO[0000] Status check for etcd was started logger=etcd
INFO[0000] Agent started with 4 plugins (took 5ms) logger=agent
INFO[0000] No greetings found.. logger=myplugin
INFO[0002] updating.. logger=myplugin
INFO[0002] Put change, Key: "greetings/hello" Value: greeting:"Hello" logger=myplugin
INFO[0005] Agent plugin state update. lastErr="<nil>" logger=status-check plugin=etcd state=ok
Tutorial etcd troubleshooting#
You might encounter the following problems if the tutorial code does not run to completion properly.
is not present in the tutorial folder
INFO[0000] Starting agent version: v0.0.0-dev BuildDate= CommitHash= loc=“agent/agent.go(134)” logger=agent
INFO[0000] ETCD config not found, skip loading this plugin loc="etcd/plugin_impl_etcd.go(293)" logger=etcd
ERRO[0000] KV store is disabled loc="04_kv-store/main.go(43)" logger=defaultLogger
The etcd plugin must be configured with the address of the etcd server. This is typically done through the etcd.conf file. In most cases, the etcd.conf file must share the same folder with the agent executable.
Incorrect endpoints
value in the etcd.conf file
CHMETZ-M-72TZ:04_kv-store chrismetz$ go run main.go
INFO[0000] Starting agent version: v0.0.0-dev BuildDate= CommitHash= loc=“agent/agent.go(134)" logger=agent
WARN[0001] Failed to connect to Etcd: context deadline exceeded endpoints=“[]” loc=“etcd/bytes_broker_impl.go(60)” logger=etcd
ERRO[0001] error connecting to ETCD: context deadline exceeded loc="04_kv-store/main.go(43)" logger=defaultLogger
The message indicates a connection problem with
which is the address of the etcd server.
First, look for this value in the log when you started etcd:
etcdserver: advertise client URLs = http://localhost:2379
This is the address the etcd plugin should use to connect to the etcd server. It is okay to use a localhost IP address for running this tutorial on your local machine.
Next, check the etcd.conf file:
insecure-transport: true
dial-timeout: 1000000000
- ""
It appears the endpoint IP address in the etcd.conf file does not match the IP address of the etcd server.
insecure-transport: true
dial-timeout: 1000000000
- ""