

Agentctl is a command line client to manage not only vpp-agent, but any agent built with Ligato framework.



Build from source

The agentctl can also be installed using make target make agentctl in vpp-agent repo.

Pull docker image

The agentctl is also available in the official docker images for vpp-agent.


The agentctl is currently only available in development images ligato/vpp-agent:dev. The latest images will contain agentctl in the upcoming release (v2.3.0).


➤ agentctl
     ___                    __  ________  __
    /   | ____ ____  ____  / /_/ ____/ /_/ /
   / /| |/ __ '/ _ \/ __ \/ __/ /   / __/ /
  / ___ / /_/ /  __/ / / / /_/ /___/ /_/ /  
 /_/  |_\__, /\___/_/ /_/\__/\____/\__/_/   

  agentctl [OPTIONS] COMMAND

  dump        Dump running state
  generate    Generate config samples
  help        Help about any command
  import      Import config data from file
  kvdb        Manage agent data in KVDB
  log         Manage agent logging
  model       Manage known models
  status      Retrieve agent status
  vpp         Manage VPP instance

  -D, --debug                    Enable debug mode
  -e, --etcd-endpoints strings   Etcd endpoints to connect to, default from ETCD_ENDPOINTS env var (default [])
      --grpc-port string         gRPC server port (default "9111")
  -h, --help                     help for agentctl
  -H, --host string              Address on which agent is reachable, default from AGENT_HOST env var (default "")
      --http-port string         HTTP server port (default "9191")
      --service-label string     Service label for specific agent instance, default from MICROSERVICE_LABEL env var
      --version                  version for agentctl

Run "agentctl COMMAND --help" for more information about a command.


The agentctl currently uses various NB access provided by Ligato agents:

  • Agent host instance running on by default
    • use option -H/--host or env var AGENT_HOST to change this
    • this is used for both GRPC and REST access
  • GRPC running on port 9111 by default
    • use option --grpc-port to change this
  • REST running on port 9191 by default
    • use option --http-port to change this
  • ETCD datastore used by the agent on default
    • use option --etcd-endpoints or env var ETCD_ENDPOINTS to change this


List of agentctl subcommands:


The model subcommand provides information about models.

Manage known models

  agentctl model [OPTIONS] COMMAND

  inspect     Display detailed information on one or more models
  ls          List models

  -h, --help   help for model

To list all supported models, run:

➤ agentctl model list
MODEL                       KEY PREFIX                             PROTO NAME                        
linux.interfaces.interface  config/linux/interfaces/v2/interface/  linux.interfaces.Interface        
linux.l3.arp                config/linux/l3/v2/arp/                linux.l3.ARPEntry                 
linux.l3.route              config/linux/l3/v2/route/              linux.l3.Route                    
netalloc.ip                 config/netalloc/v1/ip/                 netalloc.IPAllocation             
vpp.abfs.abf                config/vpp/abfs/v2/abf/                vpp.abf.ABF                       
vpp.acls.acl                config/vpp/acls/v2/acl/                vpp.acl.ACL                       
vpp.arp                     config/vpp/v2/arp/                     vpp.l3.ARPEntry                   
vpp.dhcp-proxy              config/vpp/v2/dhcp-proxy/              vpp.l3.DHCPProxy                  
vpp.exception               config/vpp/v2/exception/               vpp.punt.Exception                
vpp.interfaces              config/vpp/v2/interfaces/              vpp.interfaces.Interface          
vpp.ipredirect              config/vpp/v2/ipredirect/              vpp.punt.IPRedirect               
vpp.ipscanneigh-global      config/vpp/v2/ipscanneigh-global       vpp.l3.IPScanNeighbor                    config/vpp/ipsec/v2/sa/                vpp.ipsec.SecurityAssociation     
vpp.ipsec.spd               config/vpp/ipsec/v2/spd/               vpp.ipsec.SecurityPolicyDatabase  
vpp.l2.bridge-domain        config/vpp/l2/v2/bridge-domain/        vpp.l2.BridgeDomain               
vpp.l2.fib                  config/vpp/l2/v2/fib/                  vpp.l2.FIBEntry                   
vpp.l2.xconnect             config/vpp/l2/v2/xconnect/             vpp.l2.XConnectPair               
vpp.nat.dnat44              config/vpp/nat/v2/dnat44/              vpp.nat.DNat44                    
vpp.nat.nat44-global        config/vpp/nat/v2/nat44-global         vpp.nat.Nat44Global               
vpp.proxyarp-global         config/vpp/v2/proxyarp-global          vpp.l3.ProxyARP                   
vpp.route                   config/vpp/v2/route/                   vpp.l3.Route                      
vpp.span                    config/vpp/v2/span/                    vpp.interfaces.Span               
vpp.srv6.localsid           config/vpp/srv6/v2/localsid/           vpp.srv6.LocalSID                 
vpp.srv6.policy             config/vpp/srv6/v2/policy/             vpp.srv6.Policy                   
vpp.srv6.steering           config/vpp/srv6/v2/steering/           vpp.srv6.Steering                 
vpp.stn.rule                config/vpp/stn/v2/rule/                vpp.stn.Rule                      
vpp.tohost                  config/vpp/v2/tohost/                  vpp.punt.ToHost                   
vpp.vrf-table               config/vpp/v2/vrf-table/               vpp.l3.VrfTable                   

To show details about specific model, run:

➤ agentctl model inspect vpp.interfaces
    "Name": "vpp.interfaces",
    "Module": "vpp",
    "Type": "interfaces",
    "Version": "v2",
    "KeyPrefix": "config/vpp/v2/interfaces/",
    "ProtoName": "vpp.interfaces.Interface",
    "Location": "models/vpp/interfaces/interface.proto"


The dump subcommand dumps running state from the scheduler.

Dump running state

  agentctl dump MODEL

  dump, d


 To dump VPP interfaces run:
  $ agentctl dump vpp.interfaces

 To use different dump view use --view flag:
  $ agentctl dump --view=NB vpp.interfaces

 For a list of all supported models that can be dumped run:
  $ agentctl model list

 To specify the HTTP address of the agent use --host flag:
  $ agentctl --host dump vpp.interfaces

  -h, --help          help for dump
  -v, --view string   Dump view type: cached, NB, SB (default "cached")

Model name should be used to specify what to dump. Dump supports 3 view types (cached view is used by default).

To dump VPP interfaces, run:

➤ agentctl dump vpp.interfaces
KEY                                        VALUE                        ORIGIN    METADATA                                                  
config/vpp/v2/interfaces/UNTAGGED-local0   [vpp.interfaces.Interface]   from-SB   map[IPAddresses:<nil> SwIfIndex:0 TAPHostIfName: Vrf:0]   
                                           name: "UNTAGGED-local0"                                                                          
                                           type: SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK                                                                          


This command retrieves agent current status from the scheduler and lists all the key-values inside the agent, including derived keys.

➤ agentctl status
MODEL                    NAME                                            STATE        DETAILS            LAST OP   ERROR                                             
vpp.l2.bridge-domain     bd1                                             CONFIGURED                      UPDATE                                                      
                         vpp/bd/bd1/interface/loop1                      CONFIGURED                      UPDATE                                                      
                         vpp/bd/bd1/interface/loop2                      PENDING      interface-exists   CREATE                                                      
vpp.nat.nat44-global                                                     obtained                                                                                    
vpp.interfaces           UNTAGGED-local0                                 obtained                                                                                    
vpp.interfaces           loop1                                           CONFIGURED                      UPDATE                                                      
vpp.interfaces           loop2                                           INVALID                         CREATE    VPP interface type MEMIF must have link defined   
vpp.ipscanneigh-global                                                   obtained                                                                                    
vpp.proxyarp-global                                                      obtained                                                                                    
vpp.route                vrf/0/dst/                  obtained                                                                                    
vpp.route                vrf/0/dst/                 obtained                                                                                    
vpp.route                vrf/0/dst/                obtained                                                                                    
vpp.route                vrf/0/dst/                obtained                                                                                    
vpp.route                vrf/0/dst/         obtained                                                                                    
vpp.route                vrf/0/dst/::/0/gw/::                            obtained                                                                                    
vpp.route                vrf/0/dst/fe80::/10/gw/::                       obtained                                                                                    
vpp.vrf-table            id/0/protocol/IPV4                              obtained                                                                                    
vpp.vrf-table            id/0/protocol/IPV6                              obtained                                                                                    
                         linux/interface/host-name/eth0                  obtained                                                                                    
                         linux/interface/host-name/lo                    obtained                                                                                    
                         linux/microservice/agent1                       obtained                                                                                    
                         linux/microservice/myagent                      obtained                                                                                    
                         vpp/interface/UNTAGGED-local0/link-state/DOWN   obtained                                                                                    
                         vpp/interface/loop1/link-state/DOWN             obtained                                                                                    


The kvdb subcommand managed data stored in KV datastore.

Manage agent data in KVDB

  agentctl kvdb [OPTIONS] COMMAND

  kvdb, kv

  del         Delete key-value entry from KVDB
  get         Get key-value entry from KVDB
  list        List key-value entries from KVDB
  put         Put key-value entry into KVDB

  -h, --help   help for kvdb

The kvdb command is similar to using etcdctl, but supports short keys (which require setting --service-label option).


The vpp subcommand manages the connected VPP instance.

Manage VPP instance

  agentctl vpp [OPTIONS] COMMAND

  cli         Execute VPP CLI command
  info        Retrieve info about VPP

  -h, --help   help for vpp

To run VPP CLI command, run:

➤ agentctl vpp cli show version
# show version
vpp v19.08-rc2~12-g1c586de48~b37 built by root on 9ce218d4b187 at Wed Aug 21 17:50:31 UTC 2019


The import subcommand can be used to import config data from file using GRPC or ETCD.

Import config data from file

  agentctl import file [flags]


 To import file contents into Etcd, run:
  $ cat input.txt
  config/vpp/v2/interfaces/loop1 {"name":"loop1","type":"SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK"}
  config/vpp/l2/v2/bridge-domain/bd1 {"name":"bd1"}
  $ agentctl import input.txt

 To import it via gRPC, include --grpc flag:
  $ agentctl import --grpc=localhost:9111 input.txt


 Contents of the import file must contain single key-value pair per line:

    <key1> <value1>
    <key2> <value2>
    <keyN> <valueN>

 Empty lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored.


 Keys can be defined in two ways:

    - full:     /vnf-agent/vpp1/config/vpp/v2/interfaces/iface1
    - short:    config/vpp/v2/interfaces/iface1

 For short keys, the import command uses microservice label defined with --service-label.

      --grpc         Enable to import config via gRPC
  -h, --help         help for import
  -t, --time uint    Timeout (in seconds) to wait for server response (default 30)
      --txops uint   Number of ops per transaction (default 128)

The import command supports importing via GRPC which can be enabled with --grpc option.

To import config data from file, run:

➤ cat ./myconfig
config/vpp/v2/interfaces/loop1 {"name":"loop1","type":"SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK"}
config/vpp/v2/interfaces/loop2 {"name":"loop2","type":"MEMIF"}
config/vpp/l2/v2/bridge-domain/bd1 {"name":"bd1","interfaces":[{"name":"loop1"},{"name":"loop2"}]}

➤ agentctl --service-label=agent1 import ./myconfig
importing 3 key vals
 - /vnf-agent/agent1/config/vpp/v2/interfaces/loop1
 - /vnf-agent/agent1/config/vpp/v2/interfaces/loop2
 - /vnf-agent/agent1/config/vpp/l2/v2/bridge-domain/bd1
commiting tx with 3 ops

The import file supports full version of keys including agent namespace (microservice label) or short keys which require setting --service-label option.


The generate subcommand can be used to generate config samples for models.

Generate config samples

  agentctl generate MODEL

  generate, gen

  -f, --format string   Output formats: json, yaml (default "json")
  -h, --help            help for generate
      --oneline         Print output as single line (only json format)

To generate config sample for VPP route, run:

➤ agentctl generate vpp.route
  "type": "INTRA_VRF",
  "vrf_id": 0,
  "dst_network": "",
  "next_hop_addr": "",
  "outgoing_interface": "",
  "weight": 0,
  "preference": 0,
  "via_vrf_id": 0


The log subcommand manages the logging of the agent instance.

Manage agent logging

  agentctl log [OPTIONS] COMMAND

  list        Show vppagent logs
  set         Set vppagent logger type

  -h, --help   help for log

To list current loggers and their log levels, run log list.

To set log level for specific logger, run:

➤ agentctl log set kvscheduler debug
logger kvscheduler has been set to level debug